CY21 Posts

Viva Connections Dashboard Introduction

The Viva Connections Dashboard feature, which at the time of writing has just gone into public preview, allows you to present adaptive cards to groups of end users within SharePoint and Microsoft Teams.

Surfacing Viva Topics using hashtags

Just thought I’d share this simple tip about the use of hash tags to ensure a Viva Topic is surfaced in your SharePoint posts. In the example I show this in action within a News article.

Building a Document Understand Model

My demonstration also shows how to add a Retention Label and a Sensitivity Label to the uploaded document when it’s identified as a web contract by the model.

Microsoft Teams 1:1 PSTN Recording

Check out this 90 second video that shows 1:1 PSTN recording in action.

Viva Topics 101

I created this 4 minute video to provide a concise overview of some of the main components of Topics and highlight where the cards are currently presented.

Viva Connections for Microsoft Teams Desktop

I created the following 4 minute video as a starting point to demonstrate the “nuts and bolts” of Viva Connection as it existed in May 2021.

Microsoft Teams Admin Phone Provisioning

The following 2 minute video provides a simple demo of the remote provisioning and sign in experience for a Microsoft Teams Android Phone.

Syntex Forms Processing & Power Automate

I put together this demonstration to run through the Syntex Form Processing model creation process. I also triggered a Power Automate flow to perform additional processing using some of the outputs of my model.

Channel Enabled Microsoft Teams Call Queues

I created this short video to provide an introductory overview of this functionality. As you’ll see it’s really easy to configure from an admin perspective and the resulting “Call” tab automatically appears in the assigned Teams Channel.

Microsoft Teams Room Admin Portal Tour

This video does exactly what it says on the tin! I created this snapshot of the tools available in the Microsoft Teams Admin Console to share with anyone who was new to this topic.

PowerShell for Microsoft Teams Owners

There are loads of technically minded people out there who are not familiar with PowerShell and who are Microsoft Teams owners. This post is aimed at these folks.

Microsoft Teams Meetings Recordings and OneDrive

As you may already be aware the shift from “classic” Stream to “new” Stream, which uses OneDrive for Private Teams Meetings (Channel Meetings use SharePoint) has been ongoing since last year. To give you a taster I’ve put together a 2 minute video.

Using Cortana to schedule Microsoft Teams Meetings

If you’ve not used it before it’s worth taking a look as it works! All you need to do is to register and configure your profile settings. You should be up and running in minutes and the link you need is:

Microsoft Teams Business Voice with Calling Plan: Direct Routing Tip

Even though they may have Microsoft Calling Plan use rights some customers/partners may still want to assign an on-premises phone number to one or more of their users.

Tagging in Microsoft Teams Status Messages

This feature is especially useful in a Front Line worker or Operational environment when staff have to take breaks or are not on their shift. Using Tags they can let colleagues know who is covering for them.

Microsoft Teams Channel Calendars

Microsoft Teams Channel Calendars provide a simple way to track meetings for a specific channel community. Entries are also integrated into personal calendars so individual’s always have a single source of truth for their daily schedules.

On-network Conferencing for Microsoft Teams Audio Conferencing

On-network conferencing for Microsoft Teams is simply the ability to make calls to Audio Conferencing Service numbers across an organisation’s Direct

Approval Flows in Microsoft Teams

The Microsoft Teams Approval App uses the underlying Power Automate infrastructure but makes it really easy for end users to create and use approvals directly from their Teams Channels, Chats or from the Approval App itself.

Controlling Microsoft Teams Guest Access using Sensitivity Labels

The video demonstration below provides a basic overview of how I created the sensitivity labels and the associated policy that I used during my Part 1 of 2: The End User Experience post.

Controlling Microsoft Teams Guest Access using Sensitivity Labels

One way of providing end users the ability to choose their Guest policy as they create (or edit) a team is via the assignment of a Sensitivity Label.